New York
Therapy for OCD

by a team of expert therapists

Our practice specializes in OCD -  we are experts in OCD therapy, using creative exposures that give people their lives back.  

Are your thoughts so “sticky” that no matter what you do, they keep coming back? Maybe you’re flooded with doubts about things you know you shouldn’t worry about. 

Questions are repetitive or can feel taboo like:

  • “What if I get someone sick?”

  • “Something bad will happen if I don’t do this.”

  • “What if I have a random impulse to hurt someone?”

  • “Am I attracted to someone (or something) I shouldn’t be?”

  • “Do I really love my partner the way I’m supposed to?”

Living with OCD is an endless cycle of intrusive thoughts and rituals—double-checking, mentally reviewing, seeking reassurance—just to find a moment of quiet.
But as soon as you find relief… “those thoughts” creep back in.

OCD Therapy Helps People Who Are:

  • repeating actions, like turning the light switch on and off, until it feels "just right"
  • re-checking an email because you might have written something offensive
  • seeking reassurance from others
  • repeatedly replaying in your mind things you've done
  • avoiding activities to prevent your fears from coming true

Our OCD Therapists

Each therapist on our team is highly trained and committed to helping clients manage OCD in a compassionate, structured way.

Testimonial From A Past Client

“My therapist provided a compassionate space where I felt heard, understood, and empowered to manage my anxiety. I’m incredibly grateful for her expertise and kindness.”

“The Best Time to Start Therapy is
as Soon as You’re Thinking About It”

We specialize in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, the most effective, research-backed approach to treat OCD. 

ERP gently guides you to face your fears in a gradual, controlled way—without falling back on the rituals that keep you trapped. Over time, you learn to tolerate the uncertainty and discomfort that fuels OCD, giving you peace.

How Exposure & Response Prevention Therapy Works

We work to help you understand your OCD and utilize exposure therapy. 

  • We will help you understand why OCD feels so intense and how the patterns of doubt and reassurance-seeking keep it alive.

  • We’ll work together to identify specifically tailored exposures that get at your unique OCD—starting small, facing feared thoughts and situations, and learning that you can handle the discomfort without needing compulsions.

  • With time and practice, you’ll feel a sense of calm that doesn’t depend on reassurance or rituals, and you’ll see a path forward that OCD no longer controls.

Clients have come to us saying their previous exposure therapists were too cold or rigid. We are warm and flexible, while still delivering effective therapy. We are in this with you and beside you.

We always go at your pace - you’re in the driver’s seat.

Exposure Therapy- Temporary Discomfort For Lasting Results

There is research support  demonstrating that ERP therapy brings people relief from OCD. 

After working with us, clients report:

Freedom from obsessive thoughts
no longer feeling controlled by recurring doubts and fears. By facing your thoughts in a gradual, structured way, you end a cycle of obsession and regain peace of mind.

Reduced rituals / compulsions
clients find they can let go of these habits, experiencing a deep sense of relief as they realize they can handle their fears without compulsions.

Joy and spontaneity
when OCD no longer dictates thoughts and action, clients once again enjoy relationships, hobbies, and daily activities without dread.

Common OCD Therapy Questions

  • This is a common worry for people with OCD, especially for those whose obsessions involve fears of hurting others or themselves, or fear of being a pedophile. We are a team of highly trained OCD therapists, and we have a strong skillset for identifying what is OCD and what is not. We like to say that we’ve “heard it all,” and that no strange thought that you share with us is going to throw us off. We understand OCD thoughts are typically bizarre and not at all connected to the real identity or true desires of the people who have them.

  • As someone living with OCD, you probably find that being at the whim of your OCD thoughts and urges can be very scary and difficult, too. Many clients in OCD therapy find that that exposures themselves are no worse than living with OCD day-to-day, and are comforted to know that relief and freedom from OCD is on the other side. Your therapist will help you identify the things that OCD has taken away from you in order to come up with your “why” for exposures, which will help keep you motivated.

  • It’s not uncommon to have OCD with the absence of physical rituals like checking, cleaning, or arranging things. This is sometimes referred to as “Pure O” (pure obsessional) OCD. Your therapist will help you assess for mental rituals, which are rituals in your head rather than behaviors you do externally. Examples of mental rituals include reassuring yourself, keeping mental lists of things, or repeating special phrases to neutralize your anxiety. At the end of the day, they serve the same function as physical rituals, and your therapist will help you understand how therapy works similarly no matter the type of rituals.

Get started today.

Schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help you regain control and find relief.
We’ll chat about what you’ve been experiencing and together, decide if you’d like to start working with us.